Understanding Canine Distemper In Dogs

Canine distemper is a contagious viral disease that affects dogs. The disease is also known to affect some species of wildlife, including skunks, wolves, coyotes, ferrets, raccoons, and foxes. The virus [...]

Understanding Canine Distemper In Dogs2022-04-19T16:22:48+00:00

Your Pet’s Dental Health

Does your pet have bad breath? Bad breath isn’t just unpleasant, it can be unhealthy. Up to 80% of dogs and 70% of cats that do not receive proper [...]

Your Pet’s Dental Health2022-03-11T20:46:53+00:00

Tick-Borne Diseases

Spring and summer in our area mean tick season. Even dogs and cats that spend only brief periods of time outdoors can be susceptible to ticks. It is very [...]

Tick-Borne Diseases2022-03-17T20:36:50+00:00

Swine Influenza and You

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, [...]

Swine Influenza and You2022-03-17T20:49:11+00:00

Parasites and Your Pet

Are you itching to protect your pets from parasites? Here is a resource for all your parasite prevention questions and needs. Did you know? A single flea can drink [...]

Parasites and Your Pet2022-03-17T20:21:35+00:00

Facts About Canine Influenza

Dog flu is a contagious respiratory disease in dogs caused by a specific Type A influenza virus referred to as a “canine influenza virus.” This is a disease of [...]

Facts About Canine Influenza2022-03-11T20:46:52+00:00

Our Official COVID-19 Statement: 03/20/22

Dear Clients: As an ‘Essential Service’ of the Healthcare Sector we are open and fully operating to provide care for your pet. We are here for you, your pet, [...]

Our Official COVID-19 Statement: 03/20/222022-12-28T19:58:11+00:00
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